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About the Conference
The Environment – A Platform for Health
Good health is a desirable status for everyone, but it’s also a factor of prosperity and economic growth for the society. The research of the last decades proved that many diseases are related to the poor quality of the environment. The Central and Eastern Europe Conference on Health and the Environment (CEECHE) is a joint approach initiated and supported by European and US institutions, aimed to analyze and better define the complex links between health and environment. Beside topics addressing the specific problems met in Central and Eastern Europe, the Conference accommodates issues related to any part of the world, according to the proposed main themes. The third edition of CEECHE, to be held on October 19 – 22, 2008, in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, is a follow of the successful Conferences in Prague 2004, and Bratislava 2006. It is hoped that the 2008 Conference will encourage collaboration among scientists from various fields, in order to increase the interdisciplinarity and multinational participation, and to promote the integrative research. The participants will find a new opportunity to share concepts and ideas, and to start cooperative projects in the field of Health and Environment.
Main objectives of the Central & Eastern Europe Conference on Health and the Environment
- To gather scientists, engineers, and other professionals from US and Europe to discuss challenges in research regarding the impact of the environment on health
- To discuss new approaches for site assessment and risk characteristics
- To discuss innovated methods of risk management and remediation
- To discuss methods for evaluating the linkage between exposure and disease
- To discuss improved methods for risk communication
1.Sustainable mining
- Remediation of mine sites
- Environmental protection measures for operating mines
- Water management on mine sites
- Project management and economics related to mine closure
- Risk Assessment and Management
- Drinking Water
- Hazardous Waste
- Impact of Global Change
- Risk Assessment
- Natural and Anthropogenic Chemicals in the Environment
- Environmental Health
- Children’s Health
- Environmental Air Pollution Epidemiology
- Environmental Toxicology
- Environmental Genetics
Special focus on Climate change and children’s health topic
The Conference will provide an opportunity to develop collaborations among students, scientists, engineers, decision makers and other professionals involved in health and environmental research in the US and Europe.
Attendees are kindly invited to present an original scientific contribution at the Conference. Contributions may be presented as plenary lectures, lectures in sections, and posters.
The official language of the Conference will be English
Student participation
- A Career Fair will be held the night before the opening session of the conference. Opportunities for jobs and graduate positions will be available.
- Pre-conference workshops will be offered
- The Conference will include a student panel where students will be encouraged to present their views on current issues regarding the impact of the environment on health and potential resolutions to those problems.
- Scholarships are available.